Monday, January 28, 2008

Off Days vs. Days Off

Yesterday, I experienced what I like to call an "off day" with a client of mine. It was simply a day where creativity, energy and motivation were at a low. It happens. It's happened with most every client I've worked with. It's a part of the process.

Creativity is a funny thing. It can wake you up in the middle of the night, pounding on your brain to take initiative... or it can be an elusive foe, hiding just beyond reach. You can force it, often with so-so results. You can even fake it, again with a lackluster outcome. One thing is for sure - you can't ignore it. You must take advantage of it.

So what do we do on a day where crativity chooses to take a vacation? We quit! That's right. Turn your focus somewhere else. If you start to feel like you're beating your head against a wall and nothing you do is coming out right, move on. Go somewhere else and do something you want to do. Something you know won't be taxing on the brain. I guarantee that in a few hours time, creativity will come out of hiding and dance in front of you.

P.S. The same is true with motivation and energy. Quick fixes for these? Respectively: procrastination and caffeine. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, how do you balance creativity with the more mundane aspects of working in the creative field? How do you keep from letting contracts, technical specs and commerce from keeping you from actually being creative? That's what I find to be the biggest challenge. The creative process is like having a passionate affair with loving, fighting, crying and totally feeling alive. The business side of it can feel like being in a relationship with someone you don't really like for 78 years. I suppose what most creatives do is hire someone else to take care of most of the paperwork. Ugh! I'm drowning in paperwork!
Go be creative!